Saturday, June 26, 2010

Operate Return Toyota factory in China

Toyota Motors Corporation, Friday (25 / 6) announces it will reopen the vehicle assembly plants in China, Monday (28 / 6). Back operation of the Toyota factory in Guangdong was achieved following a deal between Denso - Toyota parts suppliers manufacturers - with the workers.

Actually, the workers in this factory has started working full on Friday (25 / 6) of this. Denso and workers' parties have agreed on a wage agreement sesuai.Menurut workers, Denso has undertaken to raise their wages amounted to 800-900 yuan approximately USD 1.06 - USD 1.19 million per month. Currently their pay ranges from USD 1.46 - USD 1.72 million per month.

Previously, Denso has stopped the supply of fuel injector devices to a number of automotive manufacturers, including Toyota and Honda Motor following the strike of the workers who demanded the increase in wages and other allowances. This action started since Monday (21 / 6). Denso is the largest company of 100 companies of the world automotive component suppliers. (src : 

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